Thursday, 21 June 2018

Bayside Bedroom Set Redux

On top of redoing Grove Furniture Collection, I also remade Bayside Bedroom Set. Every time I looked at the original items, a lot of the items made me cringe. This is more then a remake because the process was much more then just re-importing meshes. I was not happy with a lot of the designs as I rarely used a lot of the objects these days (apart from the plants and bedframe/bedding) so I went about bringing them up-to-date into something I would use once again. I am really happy with how it turned out and suits the coastal theme much more then the original. I also love the mustard yellow so much.

Some things you need to know:
  • Some objects have not changed mesh-wise but most have undergone as little as mesh optimisation and at most mesh-remake. I have also added some stuff and taken stuff out
  • New colours! Also wood tones have been overhauled
  • New bedframe option
  • Plants are no longer available in multiple vase colours. I rarely use anything but the white variant. There are now more flower colours though
  • This does not replace the original content (except the shielded candles which were alreayd made with S4S). However, I will no longer be supporting the original version and it will eventually be removed from my download databases
  • The occasional bench has 3 large slots on the shelf. From my testing these do not interfere with sims sitting, but that could depend on the objects placed there
  • 2/12/2017 - Updated tuning file for candles to correct issue with pets viewing object throwing last exemption error
  • 13/12/2017 - updated for 12/12/17 patch that broke surfaces
  • 21/06/2018 - Updated for Pre-Seasons patch making glass disappear for Mac and PC
  • 8/7/2019: Fixed candle and mirror functionality
  • 8/12/2019: Updated bedding and bedframes for Pre-Uni patch that caused error 102
  • 28/7/2022: Updated bedding for pre-High Scholl Years patch which caused beds to be non-functional and disappear upon placement
The Buy items feature:
  • basegame compatibility
  • non-default
  • 19 meshes in total with between 3 and 35 colour options
  • find items easily using phrase "Bayside" in search bar (try this tutorial to easily find my sets)
  • style (found under "suburban contempo" tag) and colour filter compatible
  • custom thumbnails
  • Pricing  and polycount as follows:
    - Double Bedframe ($300, 654 polys)
    - Double Bedframe with Bedend ($330, 1074 polys)
    - Double Bed Linen ($1000, 624 polys)
    - End Table ($200, 768 polys)
    - Dresser ($650, 1238 polys)
    - Occasional Bench ($210, 746 polys)
    - Pouf Ottoman ($250, 642 polys)
    - Table Lamp ($180, 627 polys)
    - Shielded Lamp 01 ($120, 1198 polys)*
    - Shielded Lamp 02 ($115, 766 polys)*
    - Shielded Lamp 03 ($110, 806 polys)*
    - Hydrangea ($100, 516 polys)
    - Lotus ($120, 996 polys)*
    - Bird of Paradise ($160, 1541 polys)*
    - Cherry Blossoms ($165, 1210 polys)*
    - Oceanic Sculpture ($95, 790 polys)
    - Screen Divider ($350, 1894 polys)
    - Vertical Windowframe Mirror ($140, 238 polys)
    - Horizontal Windowframe Mirror ($140, 238 polys)
*This content is consider high poly so use in moderation, or if you don't think your computer can handle it, best to take these items out.

CC credits:
  • All custom content is mine, so feel free to browse through my downloads to find it.
Now, there are 2 download links. One for a merged package, and another with all packages separate within a folder in a RAR archive. To install, extract the archive using WINZip/WinRAR/7Zip/Unarchiver and place the folder or package files in your mods folder, then look for them in your game. If you are having issues check out my Installing Content help page.


I have also uploaded the files individually below 
Download Individual Items:

My content will always be free, but if you are so inclined and able, you can show your support and buy me a coffee


  1. My friend, I have missed your fine craftsmanship! Thank you for sharing your masterpieces! <3

  2. omg finally ure back. please do more. ur work is so great

  3. What happened to the other objects such as the daybed and pillows?

    1. They were not remade because i didn't use them.

  4. I cannot play the sims 4 any more without your beautiful collections! Thank you for sharing all these gems with us

  5. I am disappointed, I wanted to download your candles. -_-

    1. They are available under discontinued content in this folder on SFS:

  6. This is my go to bed, but for some reason they don't show up in my game, only the one with the canopy does. How can I get this one back? I only use your items, they are so well made, thank you!

    1. Have you redownloaded? All frames had to be moved to Misc Comfort because they interfered with the roommate and dorm systems.

  7. I kinda wonder if you're in like.. Interior design? Or something. Photos are 10/10 on all your content. I'm uncreative as hell and would've slapped it all together and hoped it looked good. xD Do I need that... Move objects cheat or whatever it's called for your content? (Not necessarily for this one but in general. Like, the throw pillows for example.) Awesome work though! Also, does your content work with Wicked Whims? xD

  8. Awe thanks! No, i am not in interior design, that would take a lot of work.
    As for MOO, you shouldn't need it, but definitely helps. The pillows shouldnt require it, but holding alt for free placement is probably more important.
    And no idea, i don't use WW so not on my list of priorities to check.

  9. I have all your bedroom sets in my game, but for some reason this bayside is not showing up anymore. would another set override it for some reason? I love your work!!!Thank you

    1. I always suggest redownloading if you have issues. It is highly unlikely it will conflict with other cc

  10. BetterExceptions is listing this as invalid tuning since the feb 2025 update. "\Peacemaker\PC-TS4-BaysideBedroomSet-Merged.package
    Invalid Tuning
